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Are you challenged by the stress and overwhelm? Are you not where you want to be in your life and constantly wondering why?

Download this free report to find out how you can create breakthroughs in your life by shifting your mindset and destroying limiting beliefs.

We all have unlimited potential — but often our

results don’t reflect that. Why? Because our

unconscious beliefs cripple our results.

Our nature is to only invest energy into that which we believe will

produce the outcome we seek. Therefore, when we believe something is

not going to work out – even unconsciously – we sabotage our potential

by taking halfhearted action. Little action equals lousy results. Lousy

results equal uncertainty and disheartened beliefs. It is a vicious cycle

that only ends when you decide to change what you’re putting into it.

Potential. Action. Results. Beliefs. Certainty. Alone, each one of these

words is fairly self-explanatory, but when we put them together

to make the success cycle, we dive deeper into understanding the

psychology of success.

The diagram to the right outlines the keys to success. The more resolved

beliefs we have about achieving something, the more potential we will

tap. With greater potential comes greater action. Greater actions yield

greater results.

However, if we’re not careful, the success cycle will also work in reverse. Beliefs have the power

to create and the power to destroy. But what is a belief, really? It’s a feeling of certainty about

what something means. The challenge is that most of our beliefs were unconsciously created

based on our interpretations of painful and pleasurable experiences in our past. But the past

does not dictate the present – unless you continue to live there. We can find experiences to

back up almost any belief, but the key is to make sure that we are consciously aware of

the beliefs we are creating. If your beliefs don’t empower you, change them.

Will your beliefs be the reason you stop taking action towards the results you want from life? Or

will you change them into the ultimate opportunity to create something extraordinary — whether

it is a transformation in yourself, your career or your family.

The only thing that’s keeping you from getting what you want

is the story you keep telling yourself. -Al Medina

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©2020 by Al Medina.

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