If you’re having trouble achieving with your goal setting, it’s tempting to just stop trying to make any changes. People say things like “Maybe this is just it,” or “I should settle for what I have instead.” But frequently what’s getting in the way of achievement is the actual goal. If your goal is “lose weight,” well, when do you know you’re done? When you’ve lost 1 pound? 5? 40? Without a clear target, it’s difficult to know when you’ve hit it.
Here we’ll cover how to run your own goal-setting workshop. You’ll learn what makes for compelling goals as well as the steps you need to take to see them through.
Having goals is the fundamental key to success. Goals let us create our future in advance of it actually happening. Setting goals help us grow and expand, pushing ourselves to transform in ways that, just maybe, we never imagined. We’re willing to bet if you’re reading this page you’ve set a goal or two in your life — but are you goal setting effectively? Will your goals transform your life in the ways you want?
Many times people set goals but never quite achieve them. One common reason is that their goals aren’t compelling or inspiring. You’re much more likely to put time and energy into something that excites you. We’re talking makes you leap out of bed in the morning ready to go. Think of a goal as a dream with a deadline. So how do you create a compelling goal?

Identify your goals: What do you want? Something almost magical happens when you take generalized desires and start defining them more precisely through goal setting.
Identify your purpose: Why do you want it? What will it bring you? If you know what you’re moving towards, you’ll find ways to make it happen. Remember: reasons come first, then the answers.
Oh, and if this all sounds familiar to you, great! Repetition is the mother of all skills, so you’re on your way to becoming master of your goals, and, thus, your future.
When setting goals, make sure they follow these principles. A goal should be:
Specific: The more detailed you can be, the better. “I want to lose 20 pounds” is a good start, but “I want to lose 20 pounds so that I can wear my favorite clothes again this June,” makes it easier to visualize and achieve what you want.
Measurable: Here precision is your friend. When you can measure, you’ll actually see your progress and know when you achieve it. Concrete criteria helps everyone stay on track. For example, “get better at money” is not measurable; it’s unclear what “better” means here. But have the goal to understand your current spending patterns, pay off your credit cards, and start saving 25% of your income per month by the end of the year — now you have benchmarks that you can achieve and recalibrate if necessary.
Achievable: If you can’t actually attain your goal it will only serve to frustrate and dishearten you. You’re not going to create a billion-dollar business or become a world-class concert pianist overnight. Many times when we’re creating big goals we get too lofty, making them seem impossible. This leads us to the next element…
Realistic: Perhaps in an ideal world you’d have six hours a day to work on your golf swing or tennis game. You live in the real world, not an ideal one, so make sure you’re setting goals that match up with reality.
(in a) Time Frame: Having a clear idea of your timeline creates a sense of urgency. You’ll be working towards what you want more quickly.
Having this level of clarity puts power behind your goals and ensures you can measure your progress more often and take new actions. Ready to try making some goals of your own? Click below to start your very own goals workshop, Tony-style. You’ll need some paper and a pen or pencil, so grab those before you click.

Goal Setting Step 1: Take 6 minutes and brainstorm a list of anything you’d like to achieve, create, do, have, give, and/or experience in the next 20 years. Write as many things down as fast as you can in this time.
Goal Setting Step 2: Now go back through your list and write 1, 3, 5, 10, or 20 years next to each goal to indicate how long it will take to achieve them. You have a minute and a half to get this done, so be quick and go with your gut.
Goal Setting Step 3: Review your list. Choose your top four 1-year goals. These are goals that make you really excited. Write a paragraph for each goal explaining why you will absolutely achieve this goal within the next 12 months. This should take you about 15-20 minutes total.
Now, if you have the chance to share what you’ve written down with a friend, family member or other person you trust, do so. If not, just say them out loud to yourself.
Final concept? There are 3 steps in Personal Power — put your goals where you’ll see them daily, write down and take at least one action towards achieving your goals, and the rocking chair test: visualize yourself older and looking back. What’s the pain from not achieving, and what is the pleasure from having achieved your goals?.