Here’s the thing about leadership that a lot of people either don’t understand or refuse to believe: everyone can and must be a leader at some point in their lives.
Leadership takes many forms. Most obviously, it can look like one person leading a group of people on a path to a particular goal. But leadership is also how you, as an individual, choose to lead your life. It’s a term that can be used to describe how you manage your family, your relationships and your job — because, even if you don’t think you’re in a formal “position of power,” in reality, you are. You’re responsible for shaping your life however you choose to. We all are.
It’s also important to keep in mind that leadership is not a zero-sum equation. When one person harnesses their powers to lead, it not only doesn’t diminish the leadership opportunities of others, it strengthens them. In other words, the best leaders empower others to become effective leaders as well.
Whether you’re a CEO of a Fortune 500 company or a college student trying to manage a pile of homework, leadership is about creating and compelling positive, lasting change.
A common misconception of leadership is that it’s something you’re born with, that the greatest leaders the world has seen were born with some innate magical quality that allows them to lead better than others. But that’s simply not true.
Leadership isn’t a position — it’s a skill and a tool you can continually cultivate and use to create lasting change and provide certainty to others in times of uncertainty. Leadership is not something you’re born with or without – it’s a creative muscle you can strengthen and develop over time. And it’s founded on the idea of influence.
Can you influence yourself? Can you influence the thoughts, feelings and emotions of another human being? How about a group of human beings? That’s what leadership is. An idea is only an idea, one that will ultimately die, unless you can become a person of influence — a person who can influence and lead your team toward that idea’s fruition.
What is leadership? Great leadership — quality leadership — is servant leadership. Servant leadership refers to someone who’s looking to influence others to serve the greater good. They don’t just want to get from Point A to Point B, and they’re not looking for an outcome that only benefits themselves; a great leader always has the big picture in mind. They’re figuring out ways to influence their culture in such a way that everyone who’s part of it benefits. Serving the greater good is their driving force, also known as their purpose.
The very best leaders in the world all have a distinct purpose in mind before they take action. Without that purpose, you’re much more susceptible to failure, prolonged ruts and depression. That’s because purpose is what sustains us when things get tough — and things will always get tough.
There are all sorts of different leaders in this world with myriad goals they’re aiming for, but there are a distinct set of learned qualities and styles that unify the best. An appropriate leadership definition is someone using their skills to influence others. They are committed to using time, dedication, consistency and a distinct purpose to achieve their goals. You, too, can cultivate these skills and become one of the greats.