My friends. - Spend more time with positive people. - Find more positive people at work or school or anywhere you spend time and go out of your way to bring value to these kind people and build a friendship, #positivePeople are the most valuable asset in the world - Be patient and understand anything worthwhile and special should take a long time and be very hard, it needs to weed out the 98.9% - Be careful of #entitlement feeling like someone owes you something is always going to lead to unhappiness, own your shit, make life about it being on you and watch your happiness explode. - Stop letting people’s judgment dictate your happiness, your mom or dad or brother putting you down is about them being broken inside, don’t be mad 😡at them, feel bad for them, I mean it, I have empathy and sadness when I watch people impose their misery and regrets on their loved ones. - Being kind is the ultimate strength, people can’t be walking all over you or taking advantage of you if you are ok with it and allowing it and it doesn’t bother you, it means you are a giver and compassionate. - Watch winning people’s actions, not the words off people on social media flashing, be smart, think, investigate, open the book, don’t judge the cover. - Stick with me, we are about to rewrite a Generation and change the game, we will destroy #judgement and expose its weakness - #makepositivitylouder #amedina203 #mindsetiseverything